Environmental Inspections
Mold, Lead, and Asbestos Inspections
We offer Environmental Inspections for Homes, Condos, and Commercial properties that can help you get to the bottom of any ongoing issues or just for peace of mind. Environmental Inspections are: Mold Inspections, Lead Inspections, or Asbestos Inspections.
The age of the housing stock in the San Francisco Bay Area varies greatly. Homes built during different periods of the last 140 years may contain lead paint, asbestos wrapping around ventilation ducts or in the walls or floors. Additionally, mold is common issue in the Bay Area and we can help you diagnose the severity of an issue and refer you to companies to help you with the abatement process.
Our environmental inspections are diagnostic. We take either physical samples or air samples and submit them to a California accredited laboratory for analysis. We then turn those results into a report that helps guide you towards next steps.
We also provide peace-of-mind environmental inspections for those home owners or new home buyers that just want to know what’s present in the house that they own. This inspection will be a combination of all of the types of inspections we offer with a comprehensive report on our findings. This type of inspection can be useful to those planning a family and wanting to make sure that their home is safe.
What’s Included?
Mold Inspection - Mold is a common organic growth that occurs naturally when the right conditions are present. All molds are considered to be allergens but some are more dangerous than others.
Lead Inspection - Structures built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Caution should be taken in areas where the paint is peeling, and when sanding or scraping any painted surface, especially when children are present. If in doubt, we recommend getting a lead inspection to see if lead-based paint is present in areas where children may be. Lead Inspections are normally a combination of taking paint chip samples and dust wipes in high traffic areas.
Asbestos - Older structures from the 1930-1980s may contain asbestos. Asbestos is usually found in a pipe wrap, insulation hot water tanks, ductwork, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, joint compound, and some textured wall and ceiling coatings. The mere existence of asbestos does not pose a health threat. It only becomes a hazard if airborne fibers are released. The only way to know if a material contains asbestos is to get an asbestos inspection and have the samples analyzed by professional lab analysis. Asbestos Inspections are performed by taking physical samples and/or air testing.
Choose The Right Service For you
Environmental Inspection Packages
Mold Inspections
Air Sampling
Our mold inspections can be performed in several ways. If you have visible mold, we can take physical samples. If you’re concerned about indoor air quality, we can take air samples to analyze the spore count and identity the types of mold you may have.
Our mold inspections can be tailored to your specific needs so get in touch and let us know how we can help you.
Lead Inspections
Paint Samples
Dust Wipes
Water Samples
Soil Samples
We provide several types of lead inspections: paint chip samples, dust wipes, water samples, and soil samples. Lead inspections can be useful to determine if there are invisible safety hazards in your home.
We recommend calling us so that we can help you determine the right mix of samplings to fit your needs.
Asbestos Inspections
Duct Wrapping
Roofing Tiles
Air Sampling
Our Asbestos Inspections are done by either sampling physical materials or taking air samples. Asbestos Inspections can be a useful step to protecting your pulmonary health. We recommend getting asbestos inspections before any major renovations of an older home in the Bay Area.
Contact us so we can help determine the right scope for your Abestos Inspection needs.

Our inspections are performed in accordance with NACHI’s Standards of Practice as well as standards of practice set forward by American Society of Home Inspectors. These two home inspection authorities are the most recognized and respected organizations for home inspectors in North America.
We also inspect residential and commercial properties the way we would inspect our own. We understand that many clients have limited-to-none construction experience which is the reason they hire us. We structure the report with HD photos using either our own in-house developed software or a customizable software developed by trusted third party company. BAHI’s Inspectors do not go through checklist programs supplied by others, our inspectors write each section of the report unique to the property inspected, we try to use language that is easy to understand for our clients. If you need to have your inspection report compiled using construction language only - just let us know.